The Info Service Ontology

Webspace Index 28 July 2010

Bob Ferris (SMI)
Sourceforge Info Service Ontology repository
Source code, examples, graphics, ...
Google Groups Info Service Ontology Specification Group
Browse Archives
Wordpress Info Service Ontology blog
Announcements, descriptions, use cases, ...

Valid XHTML + RDFa Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. This copyright applies to the Some More Individual Webspace Index and accompanying documentation in RDFa.


The Info Service Ontology webspace index provides an overview of Info Service Ontology descriptions, namespace and domains. This document contains a RDFa description of the Info Service Ontology webspace index.

The Info Service Ontology Webspace Index


I would like to thank very much Olaf Hartig to help to establish this useful ontologies. Furthermore, Dan Brickley and Libby Miller to provide the basis for the ontology specification document generation.